- The year and month variables are calculated based on the date we were notified. This may differ from the date the incident occurred.
- The HSWA Classification variable displays the type of incident notified.
- Averages have been rounded to 1 decimal place. A value of ‘0’ indicates a value that has been rounded to ‘0.0’.
- The AFF2017 variable uses the Australia and New Zealand Standard Industry Classification (2006) system, but alters the reporting levels of the Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing industry to provide more detail.
- Data quality has improved over time so caution is advised when interpreting the data.
- In November 2022, we moved to a new case management system for notifications. From this time, notifications made to WorkSafe under Section 199 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 are no longer included in the notifications dataset. The “incident type” field has not been populated consistently between the two systems – be careful when interpreting the drop in notification count when broken down by incident type. There was also a matching process between the new and old case management system for the “incident type’ field.
- In the csv download, the ‘Investigated’ and ‘Notice_Warning_or_Agreement’ columns are still under development. We will update them by mid-April 2025.